Universal Machining Centre Mecmill Plus
Universal Machining Centre Mecmill Plus

Universal Machining Centre Mecmill Plus

Created on the basis of the same requirements as the Universal Machining Centre MECMILL, the MECMILL PLUS also has an extremely flexible configuration to adapt to
the varied demands of the market: from the modular configuration that can reach 5000 mm axis travel in vertical to 20000 mm and more in horizontal.


Universal Machining Centre with cross axis and moving column in box-in-box design
Balancing ram asset: Mecof patented system
Main spindle motor 52 kW
Power milling heads 3+2 and/or 5 axes up to 38 kW, 1000 Nm, 6000 rpm
Milling Head with High-Speed Spindle, 5 axes heads up to 38 kW, 1000 Nm, 12000 min-1
Heidenhain, Siemens numerical control

Technical data

Work area

Travel in X/Y/Z X axis: from 6000 mm / Y axis: 1600-1850 mm / Z axis: 4000 - 5000 mm
Number of axes (basic machine) 3+2
Rapid motion speeds in X/Y/Z 25 m/min
Work feed X/Y/Z 25 m/min
Max. table load 15000 kg/m2

Tool change

Number of tool stations 60, 80, 100, 120 pockets
Max. tool diameter max. 200 mm


  • Universal Milling Machine with high dynamics and precision thanks to milling heads with torque motors

  • 25 ° undercut on the fork type milling heads with high-speed spindle

  • Direct drive technology on all mechanical milling heads and a wide range of applicable heads with high-speed spindle

  • Automatic tool changer installed on the column up to 120 pockets or automatic tower tool changer up to 203 pockets

  • Machine configuration according to customer’s requirement

Opposite machines - Master and slave machine with master and slave CNC. The milling center is equipped with SANT-anticollision software.
Turning head for supporting a special boring bar: 120 mm diameter, length up to 1500 mm for turning operations up to 1000 mm depth.
Full automatic head changing system up to 4 heads storage.
POMO and POVT Operator paltform with vertical (up to 2500 mm) and cross travel (up to 800 mm).
Turning head for supporting a special boring bar: 120 mm diameter, length up to 1500 mm for turning operations up to 1000 mm depth.
WONDER B.R.A. BALANCING RAM ASSET The automatic electromechanical device counterbalances the ram drop. It is controlled by the machine‘s numerical control and it can be adjusted according to the different milling heads installed. The system improves the geometric accuracy, straightness and parallelism of the ram during vertical and cross axis movement.

Overall dimensions/Work space

Machine Layout with floor plate

Machine Layout with floor plate and rotary table

Application Cases

mould & die

Machining of a wind turbine component


Machining of a frame


Sinumerik ONE with Operate

The Sinumerik ONE is the universal and flexible CNC system. With a wide range of functionality, it is suitable for use in almost all technologies. The Sinumerik ONE sets standards in terms of dynamics, precision and integrability in networks.

With the Sinumerik ONE you rely on:

  • highest performance and flexibility
  • universal openness
  • highly effective personal and machine protection

Sinumerik & EMCONNECT, the digital process assistant
EMCONNECT is included in the standard machine. Switching between emcoNNECT apps and the control system is possible with a single click. All production-relevant data can be displayed in full-screen or sidebar view.

The new SINUMERIK ONE has been specially developed for smart manufacturing.

  • Digital twin is an integral part of the CNC control, virtual and real control merge and complement each other
  • Significant reduction in product development and time-to-market thanks to the digital first strategy
  • Improved networking and data communication capabilities
  • Significant reduction in the duration of real commissioning through virtual preparation for commissioning
  • Significantly increased CNC performance
  • Significantly shorter non-productive times and complete integration into the TIA Portal through the integrated SIMATIC S7-1500F PLC

This means that the SINUMERIK ONE can be seamlessly integrated into digital solutions and workflows.

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Heidenhain TNC 640 HSCI

The Heidenhain control unit is designed to simplify programming in the shop floor, providing an interactive programming environment, where the operator communicates with the control system through clear and easily comprehensible language.

The Heidenhain control unit is compatible with DIN/ISO programming standards.

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Universal-Machining-Center-MECMILL-MECMILL-PLUS.pdf 06.03.2024
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Centre-de-minage-universel-MECMILL-MECMILL-PLUS.pdf 06.03.2024
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