From experience in

Experience & projects in milling


People who are looking for innovations sometimes find the unexpected. The family business BAUER have already found this out for themselves. A modern and flexible machining centre was on their shopping list. With EMCO, a great deal of design and testing led to the discovery of other solutions that surpassed even the highest expectations. A collaboration where everyone has learned a lot. The main lesson here: unusual thinking leads to better solutions.

At BAUER in Voitsberg, they make equipment for irrigation, separation and manure technology. Population growth and climate change are creating challenges that require a flexible response and having the right solutions for the market.

Modern and efficient machinery is therefore the top priority. Above all, because a high level of vertical integration in the company makes many further developments possible. This requires cleverly thought-out device concepts.

Right from the beginning, we knew that the customer trusted us and could sense our desire to find the perfect solution. When we successfully tested the crucial processes, it was a real "eureka" moment.

Andreas Pichler, Sales Technician EMCO


EMCO Technology Center meeting point

EMCO’s in-house exhibition inspired attendees to turn wishes and possibilities into solutions. As should be clear, this is a real step.

From the original idea of a turning-machining centre, the talks quickly turned to the subject of EMCO’s high milling competence. The experts started to tinker. They highlighted ways that BAUER had never thought of before. Plans were deepened and samples of concrete workpieces - a turbine part and a housing - were outlined.

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In total, we were able to save up to 30% of the time per component. And achieve substantially better precision and surface quality.

Daniel Stangl, Head of Mechanical Manufacturing BAUER GmbH


BAUER believe that good solutions go beyond the existing standard. With EMCO, BAUER has found a partner which shares this approach. At the beginning, the question was to clarify how the capabilities of flexible machine elements could be used optimally. This was followed by a phase of intensive cooperation in planning and development. Now, EMCO and BAUER are exactly where they wanted to be: further ahead.

Rethink and implement

In this project, the willingness to think of new ideas and to break new ground was substantial on all sides. After all, the method for making such parts was new territory for EMCO. Never before had such components been produced on an EMCO travelling-column machine. Without the courage to innovate, which was always evident with BAUER, this new ground would never have been broken.

Therefore, a lot of time and effort was spent designing the test phase to tailor it exactly to the needs of the customer.

Two MMV machining centres work in one clamping position

The result of this process is superb. The system build is well thought-through and optimised to the customer's requirements.

At the heart of the system are two MMV travelling-column machining centres for large and heavy workpieces. They work in one clamping position and on five sides. Two separable workspaces make planning and processes easier.

Thanks to the clever installation and use of space, efficient multi-machine operation can be performed by just one person. Because the design and spindle performance are identical, components can also be swapped between the machines quickly and flexibly.

Ready to go, long-term peace of mind

In order to optimally use the capabilities offered by the two new milling machines, EMCO offers its customers a comprehensive training and service concept. Production can start immediately after commissioning. The fast, competent assistance that EMCO offers when customers have questions or problems ensures smooth and predictable production cycles over the long term. This passion for solutions was an important reason for BAUER choosing to work with EMCO.

Our high level of vertical integration and innovative strength are key success factors in a highly competitive market environment. It is our aim to continuously set global technology standards.

Franz Peter Roll, Marketing Director at the BAUER Group