Sinumerik Operate 840D sl
Sinumerik Operate 840D sl
Die Sinumerik Operate ist Bestandteil der wechselbaren Steuerung WinNC. Mit WinNC kann der Anwender alle gängigen marktüblichen Steuerungen auf einer einzigen Maschine erlernen. Eine dieser Steuerungen ist die Sinumerik Operate. Sie entspricht in Bedienung und Funktion der jeweiligen Originalsteuerung und kann problemlos auf einem handelsüblichen PC installiert werden. Der Anwender hat die Möglichkeit sowohl am PC als auch an der Maschinensteuerung zu arbeiten und kann sich so mit allen Aspekten der Steuerungsprogrammierung im Detail vertraut machen.

Sinumerik Operate 840D sl

The Sinumerik Operate 840D sl is part of the changeable control WinNC.

WinNC allows the user to learn all CNC industry controls that are common on the market, on a single machine.

Comprehensive processing cycles simplify the creation of NC programmes.

It corresponds in handling and function the particular original control and it can be used on a commercial PC.

The user has the possibility to work on the PC as well as on the machinecontrol and gets familiar with all aspects of control programming in detail.


  • Operation, appearance and scope of control surface based on software version 828 V of Siemens original control

  • ShopMill and ShopTurn work-step programming

  • 2D Graphic simulation with autozoom

  • Detailed error message about drive problems and programming faults

  • Operation via PC keyboard, digitizer, control keyboard or mouse

  • Languages: german, english, french, spanish, italian, dutch, czech, hungarian, polish, russian, chinese, swedish

  • Main programs, sub programs tool data register and workpiece management will be stored permanently

  • Position offset will be stored by pressing the store button

  • Program titles can be given without specifications

  • Window oriented, modern user interface

  • Comprehensive editor with intermediate memory storage function

  • Large memory of NC programs (limited only by the size of the hard disc)

  • Compatible with 'OPC UA umati Interface WinNC'

  • Compatible with 'EMCONNECT for WinNC'


Data in/output of workpiece program files

Workpiece program files can include several main and subprograms and further corresponding tool data. Moreover, workpiece data, R-parameter and zero offsets can be exported and imported.

Contour processor with graphic simulation

The contours the workpieces should have after the machining process are illustrated by graphics in the programming process.


In order to ease the operation and the programming the control is equipped with an editor with helping cycles and pictures.

Preliminary block run

Already finalized NC codes can be skipped.

Intermediate memory storage

Data that are stored in the intermediate memory storage can be renewed in the programming process.

Setting Data

JOG feed and speed limitations can be entered.

Dry run

In the run-up to the machining process collisions and programming mistakes can be avoided and corrected by using the dry run.

Automatic measuring of position offsets

When scratching the measured workpiece the position offsets will be taken over.

Automatic measuring of tools

When scratching the reference workpiece the workpieces offsets will be taken over.


Alarms, signals, versions and customer information are displayed by the diagnostics.

Context sensitive help

By pressing the help buttun, the manual is opened at the approriate page and displayed on the screen.


Homeschooling license

Extension of the multiple license. Any number of distance students can also install the programming stations off-site. The license is valid for 5 years and thus covers more than one teaching cycle.

Machine license

Control software for all EMCO CONCEPT machines

Multiple license

For external NC programming of NC controlled machine tools. It may be installed within an institute registered by the licenser in an unlimited number on PC workstations respectively in a network.

Single license

External programming station for all EMCO CONCEPT machines



Software demo / full version / homeschooling

Just give our WinNC software a try or get up to date!

All WinNC controls can be tested as demo versions free of charge and without obligation.

If you already have a WinNC software activated by a valid license key, you can bring it up to date with an update installation.

Please ensure that, in case of an update, all WinNC-components (WinNC-controls, 3DView, DNC, Robotic, CAMConcept,..) located in the regarding directory must be updated to the current release-version.

Our DEMO versions contain the full range of functionality (only programming stations, direct control of machines is only possible via licensed software), but their useful life is limited to 30 days (from the date of installation).

By entering a valid license key all demo versions can easily by converted into a full version or a homeschooling version at any time.

Title Version Filesize
WinNC for Sinumerik Operate 1.20.0004 269 MB -1
Title Version Filesize
short description für update installation A2014-09 415 KB -1
MSD/PLC 2025.01.07 748 KB -1
ACpn Update 1.12 194 MB -1
ACC update 3.08.0001 33 MB -1
AC95_ACC 2013.10.15 3 MB -1
AC88_ACC 2013.10.15 3 MB -1
Remove SPOX 2006.12.05 2 MB -1


Version Date Changes
1.20 07.12.2022 New graphics for turning cycles
1.18 08.03.2022 Compatibility Dev-Tools, Windows 11
1.16 23.02.2021 Automatic tool and workpiece measurement
1.14 02.04.2020 Displaying B-axis in simulation-mode
1.12 23.01.2019 Compatibility WinNC for Heidenhain TNC 640, Cycles and 3D-View 4th axis
1.10 30.05.2017 Compatibility WinNC for Heidenhain TNC 640
14.09.2015 Release for Windows 10
1.08 19.12.2014 Adaption for ACpn-machines
1.06 29.04.2014 Adaption for Easy2control
1.04 17.05.2013 Driven tools added
1.02 17.12.2012 Market launch Turning
1.00 24.04.2012 Market launch Milling German/English


Here you will find all information and instructions for the installation and use of the product.

Title Version Filesize
startup milling (spanish) E2008-11 2 MB 5
startup milling (spanish) E2008-11 1 MB 5



“Easy2control” adds a range of attractive applications to the successful interchangeable control system used in EMCO training machines.

Suitable for use in machines and simulation workplaces alike, it displays additional control elements directly on the screen and, when used together with a touchscreen monitor, provides the ideal input interface.

With support for a wide range of keyboard variants, customer-specific screen layouts and tailored solutions for individual customers, Easy2control represents a promising and highly flexible extension to the modular EMCO training concept.

The interchangeable controls are represented using an on-screen keyboard, which makes switching between different control systems even easier and quicker.

In the DEMO version of WinNC, Easy2control can be activated without a license key during the installation process or afterwards using the EMConfig configuration tool.


The Robotic-Interface is used for connecting a concept-machine to a FMS-/CIM-system.

The main-functions of a concept-machine can be automated via inputs and outputs of an optional hardware-module.


The DNC-Interface (Distributed Numerical Control) allowes a remote control of the control software (WinNC) via a software-protocol.

The DNC interface creates a connection between a superordinate computer (production master computer, FMS-computer, DNC-host computer etc.) and the control computer of an NC machine.

After activation of the DNC operation the DNC computer (Master) takes over the control of the NC machine (Client).

The entire production control is completely assumed by the DNC computer.

The automation devices such as doors, clamping chuck (collet), sleeve, coolant etc. can be controlled by the DNC computer.

The actual status of the NC machine is displayed on the DNC computer.


Portable Machine Operating panel to operate the machine via hardware, includes axis buttons, feed override switch, mode switch etc. together with EMCO Easy2control.


CAMConcept is innovative software for complete CAD/CAM and CNC training, from design to manufacture.

CAMConcept incorporates both the functions of a professional CAD/CAM system and the advantages of a special training program. All core CAD program functions are available. Graphic displays of CNC cycles allow quick programming, while simulations and collision checks ensure that control programming is safe.

For more information, click here.

EMCO Win3D-View

Win3D-View is a 3D simulation for turning and milling and is available as an option in addition to the WinNC Control. Graphic simulations of CNC controls are designed especially for industrial experience. Win3D-View displays exceed industry standards. Tools, blanks, clamping devices, and work processes are highly realistic. The system checks the programmed travel of the tool to prevent collision with clamping devices and blanks.

Concept machines

Whether for small businesses or for professional CNC training the Concept machines can be applied flexibly. With its modular concept the machine series can be used in a productional CIM network as well as for training purposes equipped with training softwares and coursewares.

For more information about the Concept machines click "machines" in the main menu.