FAGOR 8055

Software demo / full version / homeschooling

Just give our WinNC software a try! All WinNC controls can be tested as demo versions free of charge and without obligation.

Our DEMO versions contain the full range of functions (only programming stations, direct control of machines is only possible via licensed software), but their useful life is limited to 30 days (from the date of installation).

By entering a valid license key all demo versions can easily converted into a full version or a homeschooling version at any time.


  • Handling like the Fagor 8055 industry control with horizontal softkeys

  • Detailed error messages about drive problems and programming faults

  • Operation via PC keyboard, control keyboard and mouse

  • Languages: German, English, French, Spanish

  • Programs and tool data will be stored permanently

  • Position offset will be stored permanently

  • Large NC program memory (limited only by the size of the hard disc)

  • Reproduced software version 08.11 for TURN and 07.11 for MILL


Automatic measuring of tools

When scratching the reference workpiece the workpieces offsets will be taken over.

Automatic measuring of position offsets

When scratching the measured workpiece the position offsets will be taken over.

Dry run

In the run-up to the machining process collisions and programming mistakes can be avoided and corrected by using the dry run.

Preliminary block run

Already finalized NC codes can be skipped.


In order to ease the operation and the programming the control is equipped with an editor with helping cycles and pictures.

Contour processor with graphic simulation

The contours the workpieces should have after the machining process are illustrated by graphics in the programming process.


Alarms, signals, versions and customer information are displayed by the diagnostics.


Fagor 8055

Machine license

Control software for all EMCO CONCEPT machines

Multiple license

For external NC programming of NC controlled machine tools. It may be installed within an institute registered by the licenser in an unlimited number on PC workstations respectively in a network.

Single license

External programming station for all EMCO CONCEPT machines



Software demo / full version

Just give our WinNC software a try! All WinNC controls can be tested as demo versions free of charge and without obligation.

Our DEMO versions contain the full range of functions (only programming stations, direct control of machines is only possible via licensed software), but their useful life is limited to 30 days (from the date of installation).

By entering a valid license key all demo versions can easily converted into a full version at any time.

Title Version Filesize
DEMO 1.34.0004 111 MB -1


Get up to date. The only requirement is that you have a valid license key. The improvements concerning the update are documented in History.

You are reminded that, in case of an update, all WinNC-components  (WinNC-controls, 3DView, DNC, Robotic, CAMConcept,...) located in the regarding directory must be updated to the current release-version.

Title Version Filesize
UPDATE 1.34.0004 111 MB -1
Title Version Filesize
short description für update installation A2014-09 415 KB -1
MSD/PLC 2025.01.07 748 KB -1
ACpn Update 1.12 194 MB -1
ACC update 3.08.0001 33 MB -1
AC95_ACC 2013.10.15 3 MB -1
AC88_ACC 2013.10.15 3 MB -1
Remove SPOX 2006.12.05 2 MB -1


Version Date Changes
1.34 23.01.2019 Compatibility WinNC for Heidenhain TNC 640
1.32 30.05.2017 Compatibility WinNC for Heidenhain TNC 640
14.09.2015 Release for Windows 10
1.30 19.12.2014 Adaption ACpn-machines, Easy2control
1.28 11.03.2013 Compatibility 'WinNC for Sinumerik Operate' / Windows8
1.26 15.05.2012 Compatibility 'WinNC for Sinumerik Operate'
1.24 25.09.2009 Integration CM250
1.22 23.06.2008 Integration CM450
1.20 30.10.2007 Vista-ready,
Enhancements for 3DView
Enhancements for CT250, 
WinConfig replaced by EMConfig
1.18 03.06.2005 tool-administration for 3D-View, Profile milling 4th axis
1.16 24.01.2005 Error-correction contourturning XC,ZC Fagor Mill
1.13 02.11.2004 Update
1.11 01.10.2004 Market launch


Hier finden Sie sämtliche Informationen und Hinweise zur Installation und Anwendung der Steuerungsoberfläche.

Title Version Filesize
Steuerungsdokumentation Fräsen A2005-03 3 MB 0
control manual milling A2005-03 3 MB 1
control manual milling (french) A2005-03 3 MB 2
control manual milling (spanish) A2006-02 3 MB 5
Steuerungsdokumentation Drehen A2004-10 4 MB 0
control manual turning A2004-10 4 MB 1
control manual turning (french) A2004-10 4 MB 2
control manual turning (spanish) A2004-10 4 MB 5
control manual turning (italian) A2004-10 4 MB 6
Title Version Filesize
startup milling (spanish) E2008-11 2 MB 5





CAMConcept is innovative software for complete CAD/CAM and CNC training, from design to manufacture.

CAMConcept incorporates both the functions of a professional CAD/CAM system and the advantages of a special training program. All core CAD program functions are available. Graphic displays of CNC cycles allow quick programming, while simulations and collision checks ensure that control programming is safe.

For more information, click here.