Connectivity for optimal workflows & increased productivity
EMCONNECT transforms the operating panel into the operator's central platform for access to all required functions.
Apps assist them in all respects by putting all required applications, data and documents at their disposal.


  • EMCONNECT means connectivity and networking of the production environment. It enables functions such as access to office computers and CAD / CAM systems, web browser for accessing information and IT systems,interfaces for seamless integration into the operating environment,remote diagnostics and maintenance of the machine

  • EMCONNECT creates the prerequisite for the paperless workstations at machinery

  • Clear display of monitoring of the current machine status and production data ensures a structured production process

  • EMCONNECT is designed as an open platform for machine integration into the production environment

  • EMCO´s modular system is ideal for the flexible implementation of applications designed for customer and project-specific requirements

  • Depending on the machine type, EMCONNECT is universally available for all current control units (Sinumerik ONE, Heidenhain TNC 640, FANUC 31i-B)


Clear and compact - machine status, machine data and operating mode at a glance.
/ Depending on the machine configuration and active mode (JOG, MDA, AUTO)
/ All relevant data such as active program, selected tool, axis positions, etc. at a glance
/ Colored visualization of the current spindle utilization and override values


Allows direct access from the machine to the office PC - without interrupting the production process.
/ Access to all applications and data on the office PC
/ Use of CAD / CAM systems
/ Access to e-mail


Assists the operator in the optimization of cutting data
/ Tool geometries, material tables and machining methods are taken into account
/ Full-screen or sidebar mode with direct export of the values to the control unit


The digital collection of documents, which can be expanded to meet your individual requirements, provides important information directly at the machine at hand.
/ Direct access to production and workpiece documentation for a paperless production, without travel times
/ Machine documentation incl. service and spare parts documentation
/ Programming guide


Direct access to information and IT applications saves legwork and the installation of individual PC workplaces in the production area.
/ Access to leading ERP and production control systems
/ The time recording system can be used directly at the machine
/ Information on the intranet and selected websites (e.g. tool manufacturers) depending on the IT configuration


For simple remote diagnostics and remote maintenance of the machine, the EMCO helpdesk team connects remotely to the machine on request.
/ Accelerates problem analysis and resolution
/ Reduces costly machine downtimes



Interface for connection to MDC/PDC systems (basic MDC/PDC data are included by default)
/ Machine, program and alarm states
/ Information about quantities, loading/bar change
& programmable signal


Manufacturing Execution System (MES) for the comprehensive organization of all machinery-related processes
/ Machine Data Collection (MDC), Production Data Collection (PDC)
/ All machine and production states at a glance - also on mobile devices
/ Detailed planning and analysis for optimized production utilization
/ Machine and manufacturer-independent thanks to cooperation with a renowned partner
/ Seamless integration with EMCONNECT


EMCONNECT Digital Services offer innovative online services for optimised machine operation:
/ Machine status always and everywhere in view
/ E-mail notification in the event of machine malfunctions or standstill
/ Evaluations of the machine's operation and condition
/ Extended possibilities for remote maintenance
/ Information for targeted, predictive maintenance



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