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Offerte imbattibili fino al 70% di sconto – Solo per un breve periodo!

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Alexander Steinacher succede a Horst Rettenbacher

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L'industria meccanica si trova ad affrontare sfide importanti. Oltre a una generale riluttanza a investire, l'avanzata della digitalizzazione e le crescenti esigenze di produzione sostenibile richiedono concetti a lungo termine e…

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Dr. Markus Nolte takes over as new CEO with great competence and leadership experience

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Machine tool manufacturer EMCO celebrates its 75th anniversary Taking into account that we are looking back on 75 years of history, we have good reason to be proud of our achievements. However, managing director Dr. Stefan…

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The success story of this Austrian company, which was founded in 1947, started with the production of conventional lathes. EMCO, which in the meantime is part of the KUHN HOLDING, Austria-based heavy equipment distributor, has…

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Operations are underway. On a total area of around 1,200 m2 in the direct catchment area of Stuttgart airport, Emco found an optimally located environment to present a representative cross-section of its entire product range.…

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